Day of Caring 2024

Day of Caring participants

Western supports community social agencies through ‘Day of Caring’

Together, they cleaned, organized and inventoried everything from sports equipment to craft supplies – the many things that make the Boys and Girls Club of London a special place to learn and grow. 

On June 13th, Western faculty, staff and retirees joined 480 volunteers from 25 workplaces dispersed across Elgin and Middlesex to give their time and support to 30 social service agencies, tackling significant projects. 

It was all part of the annual Day of Caring organized by United Way of Elgin Middlesex (UWEM).

“In just one day, volunteers give 2,400 hours of their time, sharing their skills and passion to improve the lives of others. These projects, that agencies may otherwise not have the resources to complete, become a powerful wave of good, sending ripples of hope throughout our community,” said Kelly Ziegner, President and CEO of UWEM. 

Western’s volunteers were dispersed across three areas of the Boys and Girls Club – organizing and cleaning craft supplies, kitchen supplies and sports equipment.

Earlier in the day, four Day of Caring kick-off pizza parties took place in London, St. Thomas, Strathroy, and Dorchester, where volunteers came together, celebrated the excitement of the day, and heard special remarks before departing to their volunteer locations.

Western has a long history of supporting United Way. Last year, the University raised $619,000 in support of community programs in London.

Western community members who would like to get involved with United Way activities are encouraged to contact Colin Couchman, Campaign Co-Chair, at

Western’s 2024 United Way Campaign will kick off in the fall.  Watch the University’s United Way website for details.